Resources to help you ‘Concentrate’



-Sukanya Singh

These are the very caring spoken words of parents to their children “Concentrate on your studies.” However most of the time we fail to concentrate. But why??? Well!!! concentration is defined mostly as some kind of a ‘strong action ‘which helps to focus the attention, from one’s within towards a particular activity, thing, person or happening ,etc. It helps in focusing towards an aim and achieve it.

Concentration is the key to success!

 ‘Concentration’ is such an action that is influenced even by some external factors. It can be created manually with some form of creativity. Some of the ways are as follows –

·         Clean your study table always:

Cleaning and keeping your study table neat and clean helps you to concentrate much easily. When the pile of books, the stationary materials or any other alike are kept unevenly, you are never attracted much towards it. It puts a very negative impact into your mind. It just distracts. The study mood will always be muted this way and you will never be able to study with full concentration. Also it puts a very poor impression into your personality. The books are always to be kept properly in an arranged way.


Cleanliness attracts Concentration...

·         Free the walls :

Well!! Here freeing the walls refers to ‘of not pasting distorting posters with disturbing photos and quotes or messages’. These  posters contributes a lot in reducing your concentration level. It moves you from the world of reality. It displays a negative impression of yours in front of others. Unnecessary wall hangings should be kept out of your study room. Just free the walls from the above quoted.


Let the walls breathe!

·         Keep the study room simple:

You should always keep your study room simple and sober. Unwanted materials should be removed. Things related to studies should only be welcomed into your study room. It helps in increasing your patience level and makes you concentrate on your studies more and more. It gives you a feeling of ‘Freeness’ which is a much wanted element for bringing in your focus.


Simplicity brings you peace!

Again, study rooms must be light coloured. Too much usage of dark colours on the walls do not provide freshness and relaxation. It appears to be not at all soothing, creating some form of unknown tension.


·         Paste useful quotes that inspire you:

‘Words are power.’ Yes. You should always try to keep some messages in front of your study table which really inspires. When you see those quotes every day, you will be inspired more. Positive quotes would fill you up with positivity. This is the most important element that you need to give a thought on. It will move your confidence level higher. It will make you work more and achieve our goal. It will provide you the very pulsating force.


Positivity always wins !

Few examples of quotes for your understanding are as follows- ‘Empower Yourself’, ‘Love yourself’, ‘Trust your hands’, ‘Do not beg, try to help the beggars.’, ‘Work Hard Talk Less’ and many more. A number of positive, inspirational, motivational quotes are available on the internet, choose a few, paste it in front of your study table, try to follow them every day and you could identify the changes yourself before anyone else.

Stay positive...

·         Keep an aroma diffuser :

An aroma diffuser is nothing but a simple machine that helps in diffusing aroma into the air. Aroma has a peculiar property of healing one’s mind and heart. It is a pot like object where you need to burn a candle below and put few drops of essential oil into water above the pot. It would relax you. And one in a relaxed state can concentrate more than before.
Let your mind be relaxed!

Incense sticks are an example of aroma diffuser. On the other hand with the advancing of technology, we can also find electric aroma diffuser which need electricity to diffuse the aroma in the air. Various types of aroma diffusers are in the market now-a-days, ranging from very low to high cost, along different designs and vibrant colours.


Nothing awakens reminiscence like an aroma...

The above quoted tips are really very ‘working’ and ‘helpful’ in nature. It will surely help you to concentrate on your studies. It will move your confidence level higher and higher. These tips would keep you away from any sort of tension or stress. It would refresh you and help you to focus on your studies. However there is also a saying that ‘Rome was not built in a day’, which explains if you believe and keep on practicing these tips, you will definitely get the positive results. It is just a matter of a few days!!

Do not stress, do your best, forget the rest...!!!







  1. Thank you so very much. Keep supporting us.

  2. Nice. ... I'm adding one point... ..l think every children need to set a goal from childhood

  3. Very useful piece will help everyone in daily life issues


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