'Technology’ a boon for the Health and Wellness Sector
-Sukanya Singh A ‘good health’ specifies a ‘calm and composed mind’. A calm and composed mind is the ‘gateway’ to your ‘successes’. The universal truth with which we are all aware about is that, earlier, there was absence of technology. That era witnessed people maintaining its health and wellness all by the ‘manual means’. By so, it is referred to the process, how mankind practiced the physical and mental exercises such as meditation, yoga, jogging etc, absolutely without any kind of machines; any kind of technology. World today can give us chapter and verse on various technologies. It is all about ‘a tap of a button’. A small device like a smart phone can operate almost more than half of our day to day tasks within seconds. Right from waking up early in the morning with the help of alarm clock, jog one’s memory to drink water after every particular interval of time, from maintaining diets to reminding someone of one’s birthday, anniversary, graduation day and what no...