Are you aware about nature’s policy?

-Sukanya Singh
How do you describe ‘Nature’? Did not you get the images of Green trees, flowers, hills, birds, butterflies, rivers, sunrays, mountains? Wow!!! This is what we should get.
The blissful creation...
  But it is very unfortunate that we do not get to feel and enjoy nature now-a-days, due to the fact that  man- made activities have ruined the whole of our mother earth. We could hardly see dense woods, wild-animals, most of them are in the path of extinction or some already perished fireflies and what not? The world is full of insane tools of the humans, pollution everywhere, pressure everywhere, tension, stress, anxiety and literally what not? No smiles, no laughs, no fun, no constructive thoughts, nothing.
Man-made destruction...
 But we could bring back the glory of our surroundings, we could start valuing mother earth if we wish to, it is better late than never. ‘Love for Nature’ is something that should come from an individual’s within. It is a ‘give and take’ policy, which explains – if we love our surroundings, nurture them with great onus and care, protect them from the noxious substances, value them, the nature in return would repay us with like behaviour and aspects.
Love nature...Value Nature...
 A simple example to clear your confusion – If you sow a seed of a mango tree, water it daily, manure it proportionately  and with never breaking chain of fragile nurturing, the seed will grow into a big mango tree one day and will provide you with its tasty fruit. This would definitely refresh you with happiness, you will be proud of the sweet long achievement. In the contrary, if you have sown the seed and never cared for, you would not have got the tree and the fruit and also the happiness. Every single strand is related to one another.
Nurture Nature...
 Nature is our ‘Origin’. It is the ‘creation of God’. It is a lovely gift that one could ever have and gifts are not meant to be destroyed. They are to be kept properly, handled with utmost care and kept safe and sustained, so that it feels valued and in return gives you the opportunity to cheer up in various ways.
Enjoy the Gift of Nature...
 A very existing example to erase your confusion once more – The one such aspect ,which is so minute but so deadly and the one that has put the whole world into one single term ‘Lock-down’, is COVID19. Words meet its end while trying to describe the situation but what is it in short that people did not care for the nature, people did not care for the animals, people did not care for their surroundings, borders. But look at the colours of nature. It very well knows the ‘Principle of Balance’. Nature knows how to heal its wound. We are in the cages now.
Are you liking it???
 Nature provides us every single aspect we need to live a fulfilled life such as – food, shelter, water, air and what not? People with its artificial powers should not take to their account that they could have control over the universe.  Our surroundings keep on resisting every sort of hard and fast drillings from us but once it is done with humans and we do not have to mention what it cannot do, we cannot imagine about. The poor to the rich, everyone enclosed for their survival. So what say now? ‘Respect’ it, or ‘Ruin’ it. ‘RESPECT IT’ right???
Mother Earth loves you...respect her...


  1. A very good and well written piece. Thank you.

  2. Brilliant piece of writing keep up d good work👏👏👏

  3. You did a great your writing's..❤

  4. Inspiring write up dear..After reading this once.. people will atleast think of acting as said in the article..

  5. Nice .. went through the write up and Glad of the subject / topic chosen for the first write-up.

    Only thing which requires the utmost care and nourishing is at this moment is Mother Earth....

    It's not a joke that If not now, then Never.... #ClimateChange is gonna hit the human race more severely than Covid-19 pandemic or any other Socio-Economic Emergency.

    May be listed in UN's SDG and
    NITI Aayog also may have a lot of policies but until you or I realise the truth and the fact of current climate condition, no policies can save us from the Environmental Emergency....

  6. Very well written Sukanya. I loved the what nots as well!

  7. Very well expressed... The world continues to live it's life n it's very beautiful... It's only the human who are on cages... We should always remember that we are their guests n not their master...

  8. I apologise for the late reply. I could clear out the settings for the comments section today. Thank you all for supporting and encouraging.


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