BRAND: Choice or Judging Parameter?

BRAND: Choice or Judging Parameter?

-Sukanya Singh

There are some people in the world who are blessed enough with the power and capability to afford the branded goods in their day to day life. Right from the head to toe, they can be considered as someone in a society, who depicts a body crafted with a hell lot of branded merchandise. The main aim of this particular story is to draw your attention towards the fact that wearing something branded is just a ‘choice’. Yes! IT......IS......JUST......A......CHOICE. It is not a ‘mandatory aspect’ or something to ‘show off’. For example –we see some people having a very high status in a society for their good deeds, but do not go for branded clothes, shoes, perfumes, or any other such products. Everyone respects and admires them. They also own standard wealth.

Jump into a new one- Sometimes we see people who opt for the branded products even if they earn less and do not have a settled status in the society. Now, what do you think? Is not wearing something branded is just a mere ‘choice’? We finely see certain examples. Right?

There are ‘some people’ who keeps on flaunting their branded products right from their kitchen items to their lingerie, from the hair gel to the socks and shoes, every now and then as they have access to show before the society rather than to use for them. Some section of the population believes in a concept which is very illogically constructed by people themselves that individuals who can afford or have access to branded materials are rich, respectable and valuable and people who do not have those, are termed as poor, cheap and someone not of a value. Again, there are some sections of people who try to insult people in the public or sometimes taunts in personal by judging them on the basis of not wearing any brand. This is seriously a matter of concern. Such stupid and ill form of judging people by ‘some’ out of our population, contributes a huge amount of negativity in the society.

If wearing something branded is so mandatory for gaining social importance and status, what would you say about the ‘Father of our Nation’, Mahatma Gandhi? Did not he roam the world most of the time with the simple stitched cotton dhoti? Did not he do great for the people? Does his way of dressing define his status in the country or is it his knowledge and work?

What matters the most is, we all should shift our cheap mentalities to something very wide and open where for us someone using branded items should be just someone’s choice. Judging people on the basis of not having an access to a brand should not be entertained. Someone’s knowledge, hard work, smart decisions should be encouraged. The kind-hearts and helpful souls are to be valued and respected more in the society, irrespective of what they wear or have access to.



  1. This is an article that needs to read by everyone especially the younger generation as they are the most brand concious of all.


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