Licks of Love!

Licks of love...!

-Sukanya Singh

Imagine you are reading a book and suddenly you feel something furry below. When you look down, you see your pet dog cuddling with your leg. How would you feel? Won’t this fluffy creature put a smile on your face?

“The bond with a dog is as lasting as the ties of this earth can ever be.”

– Konrad Lorenz

A dog is the most faithful creature on the planet. They are the kindest of all. Even if you fail to keep a promise, this woolly creature won’t. Even if you cheat, this living being won’t. Even if you deny abiding by the rules and break them, this animal won’t follow the same. Even if you forget to value your family or friends, your pet dog won’t. It will always ‘value’ and ‘respect’ you. We could hardly match to the level of this four legged pure soul, when it comes to keeping a promise, being loyal, being faithful, being trustworthy, being a good company and so on.

”There is nothing true in this world than the love of a good dog.”

 – Mira Grant

Coming to the present scenario, a pet dog has been made a ‘societal status’. Competitions are noticed as to which house owns the most expensive breed.  Well!!! Welcoming anyone of them is easy. Getting a social status is easy. But what about their ‘maintenance’? It has been witnessed many times that pet dogs are often bitten up , they are caged , not at all provided with proper food and other aids such as- giving a weekly bath, pet grooming, medicine to remove the ticks and fleas and many more. Do you think it is the correct way to behave with them? Don’t they deserve to dwell in a healthy and clean environment like us? What you would have done if you have own a pet?

”Money can buy you a fine dog but only love can make him wag his tail.”

-Kinky Friedman

 It is observed that some fickle minded people do not give a damn to the ill health of their pets. They do not gather the strength to take their pet to a good veterinarian and have the check up done. Their check up is just wastage of money and time to their owners. Those crippy people show off very well when someone visit them and appreciate their pet, but during their illness, these human beings just neglect thinking it to be just a mere dog. What is their mistake? Don’t you think that they deserve a much better reward for loving you unconditionally? Don’t you think they should be handled with much love and care?

”Dogs to speak but only to those who know how to listen.”

– Orhan Pamuk

Pet dogs own the same kind of value just like we human beings do in a society. They are much more deserving than us. They are the ones who keep you active all day long. They are the ones who prevent you from becoming negative. They are the ones who put a smile on your face daily. They are the ones who help you to bring back the spirit of childhood. They are your good companies whenever you are alone. When you are down, these little fellows cheer you up. And what else do you need? They want to be your family, try to make them feel like family...........

”A dog’s love can make even the worst days so much better.”






  1. Very touchy each n every line is properly described n I hope d guidance will work for d society in d coming days


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