Actionable ways to control ANGER
-Sukanya Singh
‘Anger’ is a very intense form of emotion, which we all reflect at some point of our lives for some logical as well as illogical reasons. It is easy for some people to control this type of emotion but for some it is very difficult. No individual can admit that they have never got angry in their lifetime. Being angry does not always mean ‘shouting’ at someone or something. It is a kind of emotion which people expresses through various ways such as – throwing things, breaking objects, hurting oneself, hurting others physically or emotionally, being silent and what not? These are something that needs no introduction, for you know it very well! What does this emotion do to you? Do you think it brings you happiness? Do you think it brings you peace?
This form of strong emotion helps to open the doors of your mind for the negativity to enter in. It makes you stiff and rigid. It provokes you to engage yourself into activities that you generally do not wish to or do it. Such a sentiment influences you to forget everything at that particular point of time when you are angry and pushes you to deliver your frustrations in a very weird way. Angriness provides you with mental instability. It degrades your thinking capacity, concentration power, logical reasoning of your brain. Such a sensation helps you to invite stress and anxiety. Depression also follows. Again, angriness brings you a very bad reputation in the society. Anyone who gets angry frequently are always avoided by the people around. The most important ill effect of anger which you should give importance to is it degrades the functioning of your heart and fluctuates the blood pressure.
But do not worry! Every problem has a solution too. If you are suffering from anger issues, here are some few tips to control that damn –
Stay calm
It is obvious that you will get angry someday at some point of time. This tip tells you that if you get to face a situation which might lead you to get angry, prepare always to calm down yourself first. Do not react instantly. It is hard but try to analyse the situation in the first place. Why did it arise? How did it arise? Question yourself. If you react immediately without thinking once, you might end up uttering something that could worsen the situation more. Always remember that in the state of anger, you are not you. So it is better if you stay cool and not do something, say something or show something that might lead you to regret for the rest of your life.
Engage yourself
This tip requests you to engage yourself into something that provides you relaxation, peace and happiness, whenever you are angry. Try not to keep your mind and body idle. Do something. Go out for a walk or for cycling. Do meditation. You can read a book or listen to your favourite music. You can paint or write a poem. You can visit the nearest park to enjoy nature, etc. These activities help you to reduce the level of the state of anger.
Think something humorous
This is really very funny. One might ask, how anyone could think about the funny moments when someone is angry. But yes this really works well! Try to recollect the funny things that happened to you, your friends, etc when you are angry. This will help you to cool down and would prevent you from growing much more aggressive.
Analyse the Event
When you are in your normal state of mind, try to think properly about the event that made you angry. We all think that we are correct. It is a human nature. But you should also think from the other’s perspective also. You should not define yourself to be the right one always. It might be your mistake also. So practice rectifying it. Take out a permanent solution to mitigate such events and such burden.
Forgive and let go
The last step for you is to ‘forgive and let go’. Once you are out with the solution, do not hold any grudge. Forget about the event, forgive and move forward. Try not to repeat the same. If it is repeated, try to handle it with calmness and positive approach.
Life is too short to feed such devastating emotions and waste your precious time. Approach every event you face positively, try to find happiness and spread smiles.
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